Service contents

Every aspect of our work is focused on providing you with excellent health care

All vaccinations for children and adults

All vaccinations (administration of a substance with the aim of protecting against a communicable disease) are carried out according to STIKO (permanent vaccination commission of the Robert Koch Institute Berlin) recommendations, from infancy to adulthood.

Travel vaccinations

Protection against numerous infectious diseases in all countries of the world ( especially suitable for vacation). Some public health insurers cover travel vaccinations themselves, but this may vary from time to time.

Preventive examination (U-examination) for children

Screening examinations for children serve to detect disorders of physical, mental and social development at an early stage and to treat them accordingly. A total of up to twelve screenings are currently scheduled for children.

J1 examination

The so-called adolescent health examination (J1) is performed on adolescents between the ages of 12 and 14. It is used to detect early physical, mental, social or even school disorders and to treat them at an early stage.

Check up from the age of 35

The Check-up 35 is, in a sense, a "health check": once between the ages of 18 and 34, men and women can have a general examination for the early detection of possible illnesses performed as part of the statutory preventive healthcare program as a health insurance benefit. From the age of 35, this is possible every 3 years. The main focus is to detect risk factors and early symptoms of cardiovascular, kidney or sugar disease even before it causes serious health problems (complications).

Desensitization therapy for allergies

Allergy is defined as an excessive defense reaction of the immune system to certain substances, such as pollen, grasses, molds, animal dander, food, dust mites. Desensitization therapy is a treatment to prevent allergic reactions of the body, which can often lead to lung diseases (e.g. asthma). Desensitization involves giving the body an increasing dose of the substance to which it is allergic and forming immunity to it.

Skin cancer examination

As a rule, skin cancer screening is performed on all patients from the age of 35, but there are some health insurance companies that cover it from the age of 18. All conspicuous skin areas are specifically examined and moles are checked. The aim of screening is to detect, prevent and, if necessary, treat the currently increasing number of skin cancers at an early stage.

Cancer screening for men aged 45 and over

Cancer screening is performed in men from the age of 45. The aim of the screening examination of the male prostate (prostate gland of the man, which produces a proportion of sperm - the most common cause of cancer in men) is to prevent prostate enlargement/cancer at an early stage.

Patient education

Patient education courses are structured training programs for chronically ill people. In our practice, we provide asthma, COPD, diabetes, CHD and hypertension training. The goal of these trainings should be to bring patients more into the treatment concept, to reduce complications such as heart attacks, strokes, asthma attacks, shortness of breath and to improve the standard of living.

Cardio Check (Cardiovascular)

24 hour (long term) ECG
The patient has a portable ECG device with him for 24 hours, which registers the heart activity under everyday stress. This technique is primarily used to detect transient cardiac arrhythmias, which can possibly lead to sudden cardiac death.
Normal ECG
The registration of the total sum of electrical activities of all cardiac muscle fibers. From the ECG, we can determine heart rate, heart rhythm, as well as cardiac arrhythmias, e.g., skipped heartbeats or blockages. The ECG may also provide evidence of thickening of the heart wall (hypertrophy of the myocardium), abnormal right or left heart strain, inflammation of the pericardium (pericarditis) or heart muscle (myocarditis), as well as electrolyte disturbances and adverse drug reactions.
Stress ECG: (ergometry)
The patient pedals on a bicycle ergometer. The power measured in watts provides indications of individual physical performance in the context of performance diagnostics using a step or endurance test of the heart and of any circulatory disorders of the heart muscle visible in the ECG, but it is also suitable for ruling out other heart diseases, e.g. cardiac arrhythmias. It also provides conclusions about life expectancy (prognosis) and the risk of planned surgery in patients with heart disease.
24 hours blood pressure measurement
Automatic continuous blood pressure measurement over 24 hours is an important procedure in patients with high blood pressure to determine the blood pressure profile under everyday conditions and in cases of suspected disturbances in the day-night rhythm. It is also used for medication to prevent consequences such as heart attack, stroke, eye hemorrhage or brain hemorrhage.


Rectoscopy (rectoscopy) is used to examine the rectum and usually the last few centimeters of the anus. Inflammations, constrictions, diverticula (bulges), hemorrhoids and so-called polyps can be detected.

Ultrasound examination of the internal organs

Ultrasound examination is a procedure for imaging various regions of the body using ultrasound waves. Ultrasound of the abdomen can be used to visualize internal organs such as the liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, urinary bladder, prostate, and vessels. Diseases of these structures such as tumors, organ changes, cysts, stone disease or urinary retention can often be detected by ultrasound.

Lung function tests (spirometry)

In addition to quiet breathing, this also measures maximum inhalation and exhalation, thus recording dynamic changes during inhalation and exhalation. The aim of the lung function is to exclude, detect at an early stage or even treat lung diseases such as bronchial asthma or chronic bronchitis.


Acupuncture is a branch of traditional Chinese medicine in which fine needles are inserted into specific points on the body and is used to relieve pain (low back pain, neck pain, migraines/headaches, etc.) or habits (stress, smoking, appetite suppressants, alcoholism). Currently, the public health insurance companies cover acupuncture for knee pain (osteoarthritis) and back pain (lumboischialgia).

Vitamin building cure

Vitamins are vital substances that are indispensable as mediators in metabolic processes for the maintenance of life processes and growth. They cannot be synthesized by the organism itself, or only in insufficient quantities, and must therefore be supplied with food. In case of chronic diseases (e.g. sugar disease, inflammatory bowel disease, nerve pain, exhaustion syndrome), heavy physical work and in stress, a vitamin supplementation cure is very useful. This can be a reason why they often feel very exhausted, weak, tense, drained, tired, listless or even listless. In the build-up cure they receive the most important vitamins by means of injections or infusions.

Obesity advice

Overweight is defined as a high body weight in relation to body size. It is considered a risk factor and can have serious consequences, such as joint pain, back pain, heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure and diabetes.

Traffic medical consultation / expert opinion after driver's license revocation

Applicants for the issuance or renewal of a general driver's license must be examined to determine if there are any medical conditions that preclude fitness or conditional fitness. The tests include: Resilience, Orientation Performance, Concentration Performance, Attention Performance, and Reactivity.

Sports fitness examination

As health awareness is constantly on the rise, more and more people are exercising regularly. Often, the decision falls on sports that involve short-term maximum physical exertion (e.g. boxing, marathons, gym and various other sports clubs. This group of people often represents a maximum load that is difficult to assess. Depending on the type of sport chosen, specific questions are asked and important examinations are performed and assessed for that type of sport.

Diving ability examination

Diving is becoming more and more popular. However, diving is not without its dangers and requires appropriate physical fitness and regular health checks. Especially with the sick, it is of enormous importance. Appropriate examinations will be performed and upon completion of the examinations you will receive a certificate of health and fitness for diving.

Blood oxygen saturation
Oxygen saturation is an important component in assessing respiratory function. It indicates what percentage of the total hemoglobin in the blood is loaded with oxygen. Oxygen saturation can be determined either directly in a blood sample or non-invasively using a pulse oximeter and is useful to perform in both sick and healthy individuals.

Allergy testing in blood

Allergy is defined as an excessive defense reaction of the immune system to certain substances, such as pollen, grasses, molds, animal dander, food, dust mites. We make a test in time to be able to start a therapy as soon as possible in case of a highly positive result.

Blood grouping

Blood group is usually understood as the properties in the AB0 system and the rhesus factor D. Thus, one distinguishes the blood groups A, B, AB, and 0, as well as rhesus factor positive or negative. which can be vital in case of emergency, e.g. trauma ( injury ) or internal bleeding especially in the other countries of the world.

Heart control

The aim of a cardiac check-up is to rule out cardiovascular diseases or to detect and treat them at an early stage, e.g. by means of blood sampling and electrocardiogram, or stress ECG if necessary.

Liver control

Exclusion of an infectious liver disease (hepatitis) or a so-called screening, e.g. with a blood sample and ultrasound diagnostics.

Kidney control

Exclusion of kidney diseases (such as kidney stones, kidney cysts, tumors, shrunken kidneys, etc.) by means of blood sampling, urine test and ultrasound examination.

Ärztliche Notfalldienste außerhalb der Sprechstunden

Wenn Sie außerhalb der üblichen Sprechstunden Ihrer*Ihres Ärztin*Arztes Beschwerden haben, können Sie sich telefonisch an den ärztlichen Bereitschaftsdienst – Telefon 116 117 – wenden.

Emergency medical service outside surgery hours

You can contact the emergency service if you have medical problems outside your doctor’s usual surgery hours. The following emergency services are available in Cologne under phone number: 116117