
We offer a comprehensive range of medical services, designed to promote and protect your health.

Senior Consultant Physician in Cologne Germany since 2002 till today

Main areas of activity

In our main areas of practice, we combine broad medical knowledge with specialized skills to provide you with optimal treatment in specific health areas. Trust our expertise.”

Health insurance services

Individual health services

Technical investigations

Special features

Dr. Malik Praxis

Ärztliche Notfalldienste außerhalb der Sprechstunden

Wenn Sie außerhalb der üblichen Sprechstunden Ihrer*Ihres Ärztin*Arztes Beschwerden haben, können Sie sich telefonisch an den ärztlichen Bereitschaftsdienst – Telefon 116 117 – wenden.

Emergency medical service outside surgery hours

You can contact the emergency service if you have medical problems outside your doctor’s usual surgery hours. The following emergency services are available in Cologne under phone number: 116117